Friday September 30

A1. DL – 3/3/3 no extra reps
A2. TTB (add reps from last week)
B. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rep for time: hang clean + barhop burpees x 2

Fran face-off!

4 comments on “Friday September 30

  1. Fight Gone Fat
    2 rounds, wearing 20 lb vest (SDHP & PP @ 95 lb, 24″ BJ)
    Was aiming for 20 reps per exercise, fell short on the boxjumps (15s) and 3 reps short on the second set of SDHP. Legs def tired from this week.
    181 reps

  2. A) 166×3 (thought it was 156, but Brent informed us that the new bar that looks like a girl’s bar is actually a boy’s bar)
    B) 12:41 (95)

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